Broken Vertical Piano Hammer Shank Replacement

When a hammer shank on a vertical piano is broken at a point that makes it so it can't be repaired, the shank must be replaced. The above video shows the process of replacing the shank with a new one. This process will work for spinet, console, studio and upright pianos. Here is a list of the parts and tools used in the video and links to them in our store:


Parts and Supplies Needed:

- Action Flange Screwdriver
- Combination Tool Handle
- Hammer Head and Butt Extractor
- Hammer Head and Butt Extractor Clamp
- Hammer Shanks Cutters
- Upright Hammer Shanks
- Spinet Hammer Shanks
- Hammer Shank Reducer
- Extra Thick CA Glue 

Products used in this video: